Camping Activities

Hiking Trails –There are old hiking trails that have been used by the youth camp for many years. Some run along the river.


Fishing – Sea trout, atlantic salmon, and striped bass.


Washer Toss






Paddle Boating


Drive-In/Movie Weekends


Canteen serving refreshments, chips, candy bars, popcorn, icecream bars and freezies.

The Purple Violet is the flower of New Brunswick.

Places to Visit

St. Stephen - 6 Miles


Calais Maine - 7 Miles


St. Andrews - 11 Miles


St. George - 16 Miles


Blacks Harbour - 36 Miles


Campobello Island - 50 Miles


St. John - 45 Miles

Saint Croix Island International Historic Site


Roosevelt Campobello International Park - Campobello Island


Ganong Chocolate Factory   -  St. Stephen


Huntsman Fundy Discovery Aquarium -  St. Andrews


Garcelon Civic Center -  St. Stephen


Block House - St. Andrews


Kingsbrae Garden  - St. Andrews